Keywords and SEO. The facts

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for the success of almost every website. The majority of traffic to websites is brought in by search engines. Keywords are an important part of SEO. Unfortunately, many website owners overdo it. Keywords are one of the most important tools in ranking high on search engines. Abuse them and you will suffer the consequences.
Many novices read about places to add keywords, such as ALT tags, anchors and other areas. While these are meant to be used if you want to help boost your keywords, they should be relevant to the image or the place where you are linking. Many people try to stuff keywords into every possible place. There is no benefit whatsoever in doing this.
As a general rule, I would say you can optimize one page with 3 keywords or phrases. I would recommend starting with one or two. Depending on who you talk to, your percentage of keywords in your text should be between three and five percent of the total content on the site. I have seen site tops with percentages as high as ten. There are some free online tools that can tell you the percentage of each word on your site.
One huge mistake I see all the time is repeated keywords in the keyword tag. Here is an example: shoes, brown shoes, blue shoes, and red shoes. There are two things wrong here, Do you know what it is? First, of all, the use of the word “and” is not needed. This is called a stop word. Search engines ignore these type of words. Some common stop words are and, the, because, this, that and there. The second thing wrong with the keywords is the word “shoes”. It is repeated four times. You do not need to repeat shoes. The corrected keywords should read; shoes, brown, blue, red. The search engine will know you are offering shoes and will match the color with the word shoe. Repeating “shoes” will just penalize your site.
One final tip on using keywords. Make sure you use your top keywords in the TITLE of your site as well as in the description tag. Do not load the title with keywords. These are the first places the engines will scan. Your description tag is usual what is displayed on search engines when relevant keywords are typed in. So, be sure they are there. Do not just type in key word phrases. No one will know what your site is about. What is the point of coming up in rank if no one understand the description.

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