How to install skeltrack on ubuntu 11.10

How to install skeltrack on ubuntu 11.10

#need clutter 1.8 or greater
# make sure the glut-dev is there, I forget the package name
sudo apt-get install git-core cmake  pkg-config build-essential libxmu-dev libxi-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev
git clone git://
cd libfreenect
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib64/
#sudo glview
cd ../.. #back to src
sudo aptitude install gobject-introspection gtk-doc-tools

git clone git://
cd gfreenect
git clean -f
libtoolize -v --copy --install
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib/
cd ..

sudo aptitude install libclutter-1.0-dev
git clone
cd Skeltrack
git clean -f
libtoolize -v --copy --install
./configure --enable-examples=yes
sudo make install
cd examples

How to install GRUB Customizer for Ubuntu Backtrack Linux

sudo apt-get install python-software-properties (install only if add-apt-repository doesn't work)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:danielrichter2007/grub-customizer
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install grub-customizer
gksudo grub-customizer

How to install Slowloris on Linux

How to install Slowloris on Linux

Install perl from your packages, you should find it easily. Note that you need ithreads to be enabled (it should be enabled in most the distributions by default; on gentoo you should add the ithreads USE-flag before (re)installing perl).
Then, you need IO/Socket/SSL, that you should find in your packages or searching on the web. In ubuntu, the package is libio-socket-ssl-perl; on gentoo, it's dev-perl/IO-Socket-SSL.
Then, open a terminal/console and type (or copy-paste):

chmod +x slowloris
./ -dns -port 80 -timeout 2000 -num 500 -tcpto 5

You can replace with the host you want to attack. You can also replace values for timeout and number of sockets (just by changing the last line), but these options should do it. If you want to run Slowloris again, once it has been installed, just run the last line.
Have fun!

How To install mongodb and php driver in ubuntu 12.10 ?

add mongodb repo in the sources.list:
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

add below:
deb dist 10gen

add mongodb repo key(make sure port 11371 is open):
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv 7F0CEB10

update repo:
sudo apt-get update

install mongodb:
sudo apt-get install mongodb-10gen

check if mongo process is running:
ps aux | grep mongo

to start, stop, restart mongodb:
sudo service mongodb start
sudo service mongodb stop
sudo service mongodb restart

to test mongo by going mongo command prompt:

at the mongo prompt:
>show dbs;
> { a: 1 } )
> db.test.find()

install php driver for mongodb:
sudo apt-get install php-pear php5-dev
sudo apt-get install make

check mongo php driver:
pecl search mongo

install mongo php driver:
sudo pecl install mongo

add mongo extension in php.ini:
sudo nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

add below:
extension =

note: use mongo command to go to the mongo command shell.

note: install phpmoadmin to administer mongodb.
cd /var/www
sudo wget
sudo unzip

and then browse to http://localhost/moadmin.php  in the internet browser.

note: add this to php.ini  if mongodb is in another server.
; default host
; custom host: the IP address of the database server
mongo.default_host = ""

note: if you have problem running mongo then try using below to install:
sudo apt-get install mongodb

KVM windows xp on ubuntu 12.04

KVM/QEMU rocks

In ubuntu 12.04,
apt-get install testdrive-gtk
This is a tool for ubuntu lovers to try out newer unreleased versions of ubuntu i.e.
forthcoming "Quantal" version.

To use Windows, inside a linux virtual machine, this is a how to "Install Windows7 over Ubuntu Linux.

convenience script that does 2 things: 1)virtio Windows drivers and 2)launch virt-install to Install Windows.
WINISO=/path/to/win7.iso    #Windows ISO
INSTALLDISK=win7virtio.img  #Disk location. Can be LVM LV

[ -e $(basename $VFD) ]     || wget $VFD
[ -e $(basename $DRVRISO) ] || wget $DRVRISO
[ -e $INSTALLDISK ]         || qemu-img create $INSTALLDISK 30G

sudo virt-install -c qemu:///system --virt-type kvm --name win7virtio --ram 1024 --disk path="$INSTALLDISK",bus=virtio \
--disk $(basename $VFD),device=floppy --os-variant win7 --cdrom $(basename $DRVRISO) --cdrom "$WINISO" --vcpus 2

This is how to run windows xp on a linux box:
1)Copy the windows xp or windows7 dvd:
dd if=/dev/sr0 of=/home/loongson/Downloads/xenserverstuff/winxpsp3.iso bs=2048 conv=noerror,sync

2)Create a 12G file holding the windows file system where the virtual machine will be sandboxed to run in:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/loongson/Downloads/xenserverstuff/vm8.img bs=1024k count=12000

3)Run the windows iso using the kvm command:
kvm -m 512 -cdrom /home/loongson/Downloads/xenserverstuff/winxpsp3.iso -boot d /home/loongson/Downloads/xenserverstuff/vm8.img

That easy!

Script to install mailcatcher on Debian/Ubuntu without RVM


# Script to install mailcatcher on Debian/Ubuntu without RVM

# install Ruby and rubygems without RVM:
sudo apt-get install ruby rubygems

# update rubygems
sudo gem update --system

# install mailcatcher:
sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
sudo gem install mailcatcher

# done! to start the mailcatcher server
mailcatcher -i

# if mailcatcher cannot be found, gem is not in your path;
# add the path found by the following command to `.bashrc` or similar, and
# reload (`source .bashrc`)
gem environment | grep "EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY"

# then just use the following SMTP settings:
#   host : localhost
#   port : 1025
# and visit

Ubuntu 12.10 on Lenovo Ideapad S205

# Ubuntu 12.10 on Lenovo Ideapad S205

This piece of shit hardware does not play nicely with Ubuntu. If you've made it this far, hope you haven't pulled all of you hair out of your head yet.

## Important Info
- The S205 uses UEFI and has no bios switches to disable it.
- This means that we need to create an EFI partition and use the 64-bit version of Ubuntu (32-bit won't work!) and only use primary partitions
- Linux Mint doesn't have EFI in it's partitioner for some reason
- Wifi doesn't work for some reason

# Steps
- Create a live USB for Ubuntu 64-bit
- While on the live USB installation, select "Do Something Else" and make an "EFI" partition of 125MB.
- Partition the rest of the drive however you want ( / and swap, / and /home and swap, whatever). Use primary partitions only (you might be able to get away with an extended for /home but I haven't tried it).
- Install
- Pray
- Awesome, now Ubuntu is installed
- Now, go into the BIOS boot menu and make sure that your boot HDD is FIRST, and the mysterious "ubuntu" entry is SECOND. This will enable your Wifi.

Because holy christ, why is it so fucking hard to install linux on this computer. FUCK.

Install gamepanelx master on ubuntu 12.10

Install gamepanelx master on ubuntu 12.10

First, install some stuff:
mysql server
apache server
ftp (if you like; i am not describing the usage of proftpd in this tutorial.)
openssh (if you didn't choose at the system installer)
32-bit system libraries (not needed if you installed a 32-bit ubuntu server)

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
sudo apt-get install mysql-client
sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo apt-get install php5
sudo apt-get install proftpd
sudo apt-get install ssh
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
sudo apt-get install unzip

Download the gamepanelx master files and extracts it, or copy the tar file with WinSCP from a Windows machine:
cd /var/www/
(Check for newest version)
wget http://xxx

Rename folder and open it:
mv GamePanelX-Master-v3.0.8 gp
cd gp/

Start the installation script with your webbrowser: http://localhost/gp/install/
Follow the installation instruction.

Install gamepanelx remote on ubuntu 12.10 Server:

This Tutorial will show you, how to install the remote part on a ubuntu server, without getting the FTP install error. Don't install gamepanelx remote on the same server as gamepanelx master! User anothe fresh ubuntu 12.10 server, otherwise, gamepanelx remote doesn't work.

First Install gcc, make, 32-bit system libraries and mysql dev-libs:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc
sudo apt-get install make
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient15-dev
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

Open homefolder:
cd /home/username/

Next, download the remotetool or transfer files via WinSCP from a Windows machine to the ubuntu server:
(Check for newest version.)
wget http://xxx
tar -zxvf GamePanelX-Remote-3.0.10.tar.gz
mv GamePanelX-Remote-3.0.10 gp
cd gp/
sudo Chmod +x ./
sudo ./

Follow the instructions. Done with FTP Installation.

Congratulations! You have now finished a complete installation of:
Ubuntu Server 12.10 with GamePanelx Master
Ubuntu Server 12.10 with GamePanelx Remote

You should now have a minimum amount of two (2) ubuntu servers. You can now login on your master server using the webinterface and configure your gamepanelx, create templates and deplay servers.

If you have any questions, critics, tipps or other things you like to share with me and all readers, feel free to write a comment or mail me. Thanks for reading.




1. Log on to ubuntu and open a terminal.

2. Install apache, Wsgi and mysql:
$ sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi
$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server python-mysqldb

3. Install some stuff that we need in order to work with Python and Django (if you havent done so already):
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential
$ sudo pip install --upgrade pip
$ sudo pip install --upgrade virtualenv

4. Install dependencies as outlined by
$ sudo apt-get build-dep python-lxml python-imaging

5. Create the directory Download and unzip
$ sudo mkdir /home/projects // if the folder does not already exist
$ wget
$ unzip
cd treeio

6. You're now into the treeio directory. Lets install all of its dependencies
$ make
(If you get some error message saying that 'PIP' wasnt able to find some dependencies such as 'PIL', just remove them from the 'requirements.pip' file in the treeio directory. We have already installed them. You can than run 'make' again after running 'clean make'.)

7. Create the 'treeio'-database.
$ mysql -u username -p
("Enter password:" will popup, enter the MySQL pw you created earlier, bl********)
> create database database_name;
> grant all privileges on database_name.* to some_user@localhost identified by 'some_password';
> \q

8. Generate database tables:
$ make install
(The installer will guide you through all the steps.) We're almost done. Just a few more steps:

9. Go to and create a VirtualHost file named 'treeio' (creating it in this directory will make it easier to amend the doc).

10. Open the "treeio" file and add the following:
Listen 8080
WSGIRestrictStdout Off
<VirtualHost *:8080>
DocumentRoot /home/projects/treeio
<Directory /home/projects/treeio>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

WSGIScriptAlias / /home/projects/treeio/treeio.wsgi

WSGIDaemonProcess treeio processes=2 threads=15 display-name=%{GROUP}
WSGIProcessGroup treeio


11. Save your file. Then move it to the /etc/apache2/sites-available directory
$ sudo mv /home/justs/Documents/treeio /etc/apache2/sites-available/treeio

12. Go to your treeio directory, /home/projects/treeio and create a new file.

13. Open the file and add the following:
import os
import sys


os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'treeio.settings'

import django.core.handlers.wsgi
application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()

14. Save the file as 'treeio.wsgi' in /home/projects/treeio.

15. Add the treeio-site to the apache enabled sites:
$ sudo a2ensite treeio
$ sudo service apache2 reload

16. Restart apache!
$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

17. Enter the url in your browser: http://yourip:8080

You will now see your installation, the default admin credentials are admin (user) and admin(pass).

Installing Tata Docomo 3G Dongle under Ubuntu 10.10

Installing Tata Docomo 3G Dongle under Ubuntu 10.10

The install procedure is very easy and no specfic software would be needed on a default ubuntu10.10 install.

a) Plug in the modem and ensure that it is detected by the OS ( use tail -f /var/log/messages)

b) Click on the networker Icon ( the one on the lower left corner of the desktop on thenotifcation area which shows the network status.

c) click on edit connectionsd) select mobile broadbande) Follow the on screen instructionsf) When prompted for APN change it to tatadocomo3gg) Leave all other at default and click on connect form the notifcation area network icon.

If all is well you shoudl be connected and online. It is a common problem that the USB storageon thedongle does not show up in ubuntu 10.10 ( for HSPA+ Modem).

Just copy the content of the 3Gfolder form the USB Dongle using awindows machine and install the mobile partner software under linux.

( the 3G folder has aLinux folder and an installer script that can be used)Once the APN is setup correctly this should work like Charm.Thanks to Savin for his research on the APN " tatadocomo3g" part.


It is very simple to install Tata Docomo 3G Internet connection in Ubuntu. There is no need to install any device drivers or linux packages etc. Just follow the steps mentioned below, it worked for me.

1. Plug in the USB device and wait for around 30 seconds till the device gets recognized by the operating system

2. Now click on the network connections icon and click on the “New Mobile Broadband (GSM) Connection” in the menu. This will appear only after Ubuntu has recognized the USB device.

3. Now in the dialog box that came up click the “Forward” button.

4. In the list of countries displayed select “India” and click the “Forward” button.

6. In the list of service providers displayed DO NOT select “Tata Docomo”. This was where I got it wrong initially. Instead, select the option button”I can’t find my provider and I wish to enter manually” and in the textbox enter as given below

7. Again click the “Forward” button. Now for “Choose Billing Plan” you will see that the drop down will have “My plan is not listed” because you entered a manual entry earlier. So in the text box labeled “Select plan APN (Access Point Name)” enter the APN as follows


8. Now click the “Confirm” button and finally the “Apply” button.

Now if you click the Network Manager again you will see “TATA DOCOMO UMTS connection” listed in the available broadband options. Just click it and your computer should get connected to the 3G Broadband internet very soon.

Happy Browsing :)

Puppet and puppet dashboard installation on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Puppet and puppet dashboard installation on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

1. Install prequistic
apt-get install mysql-server ruby

2. Download repo package
3. Install it
dpkg -i

4. Install puppet master and dashboard
apt-get install puppetmaster puppet-dashboard

5. Login to mysql as root user

 CREATE DATABASE dashboard_production CHARACTER SET utf8;
 CREATE USER 'dashboard'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your_password';
 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dashboard_production.* TO 'dashboard'@'localhost';

 CREATE DATABASE dashboard_development CHARACTER SET utf8;

 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dashboard_development.* TO 'dashboard'@'localhost';

6. Configure database puppet config:

to look something like this

  database: dashboard_production
  username: dashboard
  password: andbigdata
  encoding: utf8
  adapter: mysql

  database: dashboard_development
  username: dashboard
  password: andbigdata
  encoding: utf8
  adapter: mysql

  database: dashboard_test
  username: dashboard
  password: andbigdata
  encoding: utf8
  adapter: mysql

7. Configure puppet-dashboard deafault configration

e.g. change environment to to development

8. import database schemas:
cd /usr/share/puppet-dashboard/db/

rake db:migrate


How To Install MDK3 on Ubuntu

# Make sure that gcc is installed. In older Ubuntu, you need to install gcc-4.4.3. But in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, gcc-4.4.3 is installed. To do this, you can type this command on terminal.
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.4.3
# Download the lastest version of MDK3.
# Extract the archive in folder name MDK3 and open up terminal and follow the given steps. Edit file common.mak.
cd mdk3/osdep
sudo gedit common.mak
You must find this line:
And replace it with:
CC = $(TOOL_PREFIX)gcc-4.4.3
# Save common.mak, now you can install MDK3 into your system.
sudo make
sudo make install

Installing Kubuntu (Ubuntu) 12.10 in VMWare Player 5

Installing Kubuntu (Ubuntu) 12.10 in VMWare Player 5

This brief guide will explain how to install Linux as a "Virtual Machine" (VM) on a computer running windows.  In this example the Host Machine is running Windows 7 64bit, the virtual machine software used is VMWare Player (5.0.1 build-894247), and the Linux distribution is Kubuntu 12.10 (Kubuntu is a branch of the Ubuntu distribution that uses the KDE Graphic Desktop Environment instead of of Gnome or Unity).  All of these things are free...with the exception of windows.  To accompany this text, I have uploaded a video to (

Download and Install VMWare Player.

Download a Kubuntu (KDE) DVD ISO file (version 12.10 at this time).
If your system is 64bit (OS and hardware) get the 64 bit version (amd64), otherwise use the 32 bit version (x86).

Start VMWare Player and "Create new virtual machine"

Choose the option "I will install operating system later"

Click "Next"

For the guest operating system choose "Linux" and for version select "Ubuntu 64-bit" or "Ubuntu 32-bit" depending on which version you are installing.

Click "Next"

Choose a virtual machine name to call your virtual machine.  The files created will use this name.

Choose a location where the virtual machine files will be placed. You can use the default or specify a custom location.

Click "Next"

At this stage you will setup the virtual disk.  Later on were going to be changing this a little, but for now choose 10GB and "store the virtual disk as a single file".

Click "Next"

Click "Finish"

Now with the virtual machine selected, click "edit virtual machine settings".

We're going to remove the hard drive that was created in the previous steps and create a new one using more detailed settings.  (We will preallocate the space so the installer will not complain that the hard drive is too small.)

Select the "Hard Disk" in the list and click "remove".

Click "Add"

Select "Hard Disk"

Click "Next"

Click "Create a new virtual disk"

Click "Next"

Choose "SCSI" (or "IDE" if you prefer.  Either work, but SCSI might have some advantages).

Now choose how big the virtual hard drive will be.  The minimum for the Kubuntu installer is 5.4 GB, the size suggested by VMWare is 20GB, but depending on your needs your and actual hard drive space available you might choose more.  You can increase the size later but the process is much more complicated than getting it right the first time.

Check the box to "allocate disk space now".

Check the radio button to "store the virtual disk as a single file".

Next, you can name the virtual hard disk.  The default name is the virtual machine's name, except because we removed the original virtual hard drive the name suggested will have a number added to the end.  This is because the first file still exists. To remedy this you can click "Browse" and then select and delete the original VMDK file.  You're then able to use the original name if you like.

Click "Finish"

At this point the hard drive space allocation takes place and depending on the size you chose to make it and the performance of your system, this could be a few minutes.

Back at the "edit virtual machine settings" screen, you can alter the amount of memory to devote to the virtual machine.  1GB is the default (1024), but 2GB is probably much better (2048) if you can spare the actual memory.  If your computer only has 4GB of or less total system memory then stick with 1GB.  If you have more than 4GB then you might consider 2GB or more.

Under processors you can choose to use more than 1 core if you're installing a 64 bit version of Linux and if you have a multi-core processor.  If you system supports "hardware virtualization" and you have enabled it in the systems BIOS/UEFI then the "automatic" setting for hardware virtualization should take effect.  If you don't know what any of that means, leave it set to 1 processor.

For "Network adapter" choose "Bridged" so the virtual machine is treated by the network as an independent device.  It will be assigned its own IP address by DHCP.

The last and most important step.  "Inserting the install DVD".  Select "CD/DVD (IDE" and "Use ISO image file".  Click browse to locate the Kubuntu or Ubuntu DVD ISO you downloaded earlier.

Now hit "Ok" to save and close all the changes you've made to the virtual machine.

At this point you have created your new virtual machine, defined its basic hardware, and inserted the Linux installer DVD in the virtual DVD drive.  You're ready to "Play virtual machine".

The DVD ISO file will boot and display a screen with several options, choose "start Ubuntu".

On the next screen, choose the option to "install Ubuntu".

At some point a little bar will pop up at the bottom of the window telling you about VMWare tools.  Ignore it for now and click "remind me later".

The next stage will verify that you have a hard drive of sufficient size (5.4GB minimum) and that you have an internet connection to download updates.  It will also give you an option to install some proprietary software that is "not free" in the sense that someone owns it.  Check this box so you will be able to play Flash content and mp3 files.  Also check the box to "download updates while installing".

On the next window, for installation type choose "guided - use entire disk" and then click "install now".

Next you select your time zone and keyboard.

Next you will setup your user account.  Choose a name, username, and password.

Next choose a name for the computer.  This should follow the rules for a "NetBIOS name" and be alpha-numeric, 15 characters or less.  Make sure it is not a name that is already in use by another computer on the network, virtual or real.

Choose whether to require your password to login or to remember your password and "log in automatically".  To keep things simple, don't encrypt your home folder.

Click "install" to begin copying and downloading files.  When the "installation complete" window appears, click "Restart now" to reboot the system.  If you're prompted to remove the DVD, simply hit enter (It's already removed).  If the screen goes black and shows something about forcing processes to quit and doesn't do anything for a while, also hit enter.

Welcome to Linux!  But wait..there's still a few important things to do to complete the setup!

The first thing you should do is update the operating system and programs one of two ways: using the "terminal" (command line) or using the Graphical User Interface (GUI), "Muon Update Manager".  Here is the GUI way:

Using Muon Update Manager (GUI) - (Left) Click the thing that is where you normally find a "Start" button, but is in this case actually called "Kickoff Application Launcher". In the search box that appears, type "muon" and click on "Muon Update manager".  If a window pops up with the option to "mark upgrades", click the mark upgrades button then click "Ok".  Click "Check for updates".  Mark upgrades again if necessary.  Click "Install updates".  Provide the password.  Reboot when complete.

The last thing to do is install VMWare Tools, which are essentially the drivers for your virtual hardware. Before you can do this, you need to install some dependencies, including "gcc, make, and current Linux headers".

Click the application launcher (start button) and search for "terminal".

In the terminal type: "sudo apt-get install build-essential" to install the required development tools.

Close the terminal.

Next mount the VMWare Tools ISO by clicking the "Player" menu near the top left of the vmware window, clicking "manage", then "install VMWare tools".

A notification will appear that a new optical disc is available and give you a few options.  Choose open with file manager.

Left click on the "tarball" file that begins with "VMWareTools" and ends with ".tar.gz".  This will open the archive with "Ark".  Click "extract", then "ok".  Close Ark.  Back on the file manager (Dolphin) window click the "home" link under "Places", click "Documents", click "vmware-tools-distrib".  Press the F4 key to open a terminal within Dolphin and type: "sudo ./" to begin the install process with super user privileges.  During the course of the installation you will be asked several things, and you will accept all the default options by pressing enter to confirm each answer as you go.  About 17 enters later when the process is complete the script will tell you it's time to reboot your system.


Now welcome to Linux!  Take some time to look around the application launcher.  Most of the programs have very descriptive names.  If you don't like the way the application launcher works, you can switch it between "Application Launcher Style" and "Classic Menu Style" by right clicking the launcher button and selecting the available alternative.  This will allow you to enable a more standard start menu appearance.  Want more programs?  Launch "Muon Software Center" and browse the software offered by the Ubuntu repository.  Many cross platform programs like Mozilla Firefox / Thunderbird, VLC Media Player, Pidgin, Chrome(ium), and LibreOffice are available in Linux and windows versions.

Auto RTLSDR installed for Ubuntu 12 with SDR#

# Auto RTLSDR installed for Ubuntu 12 with SDR#
# By KJ4EHD ryan_turner
# Find help @ #sdrsharp and ##rtlsdr on freenode IRC.
# Current as of 28 OCT 2012
# Tested using
# * Ubuntu 12.10 64-bit
# This script works, as of today, grabbing the current versions automatically via apt-get, git, and svn:
# * rev 991 of SDRSharp
# * commit aad68f3a21f8507d5ad7b01dc9e980d2f0d7e327 of rtl-sdr
# * Debian of mono
# * MonoDevelop
# * 19+svn20111121-1build1 of libportaudio2
# * icotool 0.30.0

sudo apt-get install subversion git mono-complete libportaudio2 monodevelop icoutils
cd /home/$(whoami)

# getting rtl-sdr working
mkdir rtl-sdr
cd rtl-sdr
git clone git://
cd rtl-sdr/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd /home/$(whoami)
rm -rf rtl-sdr

# getting sdrsharp to work
svn checkout
cd sdrsharp/trunk
mdtool build -c:Release SDRSharp.sln
cd Release
ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

# modify config
sed -i '/SDRSharp.SoftRock.SoftRockIO,SDRSharp.SoftRock/d' SDRSharp.exe.config
sed -i '/SDRSharp.FUNcube.FunCubeIO,SDRSharp.FUNcube/d' SDRSharp.exe.config
sed -i '/SDRSharp.FUNcubeProPlus.FunCubeProPlusIO,SDRSharp.FUNcubeProPlus/d' SDRSharp.exe.config
sed -i '/SDRSharp.RTLTCP.RtlTcpIO,SDRSharp.RTLTCP/d' SDRSharp.exe.config
sed -i '/SDRSharp.SDRIQ.SdrIqIO,SDRSharp.SDRIQ/d' SDRSharp.exe.config
sed -i 's/<!-- <add key="RTL-SDR \/ USB" value="SDRSharp.RTLSDR.RtlSdrIO,SDRSharp.RTLSDR" \/> -->/<add key="RTL-SDR \/ USB" value="SDRSharp.RTLSDR.RtlSdrIO,SDRSharp.RTLSDR" \/>/' SDRSharp.exe.config

# "Install" it
mkdir /home/$(whoami)/.sdrsharp/
mv /home/$(whoami)/sdrsharp/trunk/Release/* /home/$(whoami)/.sdrsharp/

# Create PNG of icon
cd /home/$(whoami)/.sdrsharp/
icotool -x /home/$(whoami)/sdrsharp/trunk/SDRSharp/mixer.ico
chmod 0777 /home/$(whoami)/.sdrsharp/mixer_1_48x48x32.png

# Clean up
rm -rf /home/$(whoami)/sdrsharp/

# Make .desktop file
cd /home/$(whoami)/Desktop
touch prog-sdrsharp.desktop
echo "[Desktop Entry]" >> prog-sdrsharp.desktop
echo "Type=Application" >> prog-sdrsharp.desktop
echo "Encoding=UTF-8" >> prog-sdrsharp.desktop
echo "Name=SDR#" >> prog-sdrsharp.desktop
echo "Comment=SDRSharp" >> prog-sdrsharp.desktop
echo "Exec= mono /home/$(whoami)/.sdrsharp/SDRSharp.exe" >> prog-sdrsharp.desktop
echo "Icon= /home/$(whoami)/.sdrsharp/mixer_1_48x48x32.png" >> prog-sdrsharp.desktop
echo "Categories=Utility;Application;" >> prog-sdrsharp.desktop
echo "Terminal=false" >> prog-sdrsharp.desktop

sudo chmod +x /home/$(whoami)/Desktop/prog-sdrsharp.desktop

# Make the menu item

echo [Desktop Entry] >>
echo Value=1.0 >>
echo Type=Directory >>
echo Encoding=UTF-8 >>
xdg-desktop-menu install prog-sdrsharp.desktop
xdg-desktop-menu forceupdate

Auto RTLSDR installed for Ubuntu 12 with SDR#

# Auto RTLSDR installed for Ubuntu 12 with SDR#
# By KJ4EHD ryan_turner
# Find help @ #sdrsharp and ##rtlsdr on freenode IRC.
# Current as of 28 OCT 2012
# Tested using
# * Ubuntu 12.10 64-bit
# This script works, as of today, grabbing the current versions automatically via apt-get, git, and svn:
# * rev 991 of SDRSharp
# * commit aad68f3a21f8507d5ad7b01dc9e980d2f0d7e327 of rtl-sdr
# * Debian of mono
# * MonoDevelop
# * 19+svn20111121-1build1 of libportaudio2
# * icotool 0.30.0

sudo apt-get install subversion git mono-complete libportaudio2 monodevelop icoutils
cd /home/$(whoami)

# getting rtl-sdr working
mkdir rtl-sdr
cd rtl-sdr
git clone git://
cd rtl-sdr/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd /home/$(whoami)
rm -rf rtl-sdr

# getting sdrsharp to work
svn checkout
cd sdrsharp/trunk
mdtool build -c:Release SDRSharp.sln
cd Release
ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

# modify config
sed -i '/SDRSharp.SoftRock.SoftRockIO,SDRSharp.SoftRock/d' SDRSharp.exe.config
sed -i '/SDRSharp.FUNcube.FunCubeIO,SDRSharp.FUNcube/d' SDRSharp.exe.config
sed -i '/SDRSharp.FUNcubeProPlus.FunCubeProPlusIO,SDRSharp.FUNcubeProPlus/d' SDRSharp.exe.config
sed -i '/SDRSharp.RTLTCP.RtlTcpIO,SDRSharp.RTLTCP/d' SDRSharp.exe.config
sed -i '/SDRSharp.SDRIQ.SdrIqIO,SDRSharp.SDRIQ/d' SDRSharp.exe.config
sed -i 's/<!-- <add key="RTL-SDR \/ USB" value="SDRSharp.RTLSDR.RtlSdrIO,SDRSharp.RTLSDR" \/> -->/<add key="RTL-SDR \/ USB" value="SDRSharp.RTLSDR.RtlSdrIO,SDRSharp.RTLSDR" \/>/' SDRSharp.exe.config

# "Install" it
mkdir /home/$(whoami)/.sdrsharp/
mv /home/$(whoami)/sdrsharp/trunk/Release/* /home/$(whoami)/.sdrsharp/

# Create PNG of icon
cd /home/$(whoami)/.sdrsharp/
icotool -x /home/$(whoami)/sdrsharp/trunk/SDRSharp/mixer.ico
chmod 0777 /home/$(whoami)/.sdrsharp/mixer_1_48x48x32.png

# Clean up
rm -rf /home/$(whoami)/sdrsharp/

# Make .desktop file
cd /home/$(whoami)/Desktop
touch prog-sdrsharp.desktop
echo "[Desktop Entry]" >> prog-sdrsharp.desktop
echo "Type=Application" >> prog-sdrsharp.desktop
echo "Encoding=UTF-8" >> prog-sdrsharp.desktop
echo "Name=SDR#" >> prog-sdrsharp.desktop
echo "Comment=SDRSharp" >> prog-sdrsharp.desktop
echo "Exec= mono /home/$(whoami)/.sdrsharp/SDRSharp.exe" >> prog-sdrsharp.desktop
echo "Icon= /home/$(whoami)/.sdrsharp/mixer_1_48x48x32.png" >> prog-sdrsharp.desktop
echo "Categories=Utility;Application;" >> prog-sdrsharp.desktop
echo "Terminal=false" >> prog-sdrsharp.desktop

sudo chmod +x /home/$(whoami)/Desktop/prog-sdrsharp.desktop

# Make the menu item

echo [Desktop Entry] >>
echo Value=1.0 >>
echo Type=Directory >>
echo Encoding=UTF-8 >>
xdg-desktop-menu install prog-sdrsharp.desktop
xdg-desktop-menu forceupdate

How To Install Plex Media Server on Ubuntu


i thought i could write a quick how to for installing pms (plex media server) on ubuntu, because many other linux guides on the internet helped me very much previously.

i used ubuntu server 12 lts, but it should work on older ubuntu versions, too.

first, you have to open a terminal window or ssh into your computer.

How to: plex media server - how to install avahi

it is enough to copy and paste this line to install avahi:

sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon

however you can do much more with avahi. for example advertising afp-shares. this guide covers it.

How to: plex media server - how to install plex media server

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

then add "deb lucid main" to the file.
or add "deb beta main" for the beta versions.
you can put it wherever you like.
use something like ctrl+x (mac-keyboard) or strg+x (windows-keyboard) to close and safe the file.

update apt-get:
sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install plexmediaserver

how to: plex media server - access plex through a browser on the computer running plex media server
or any other computer (connected via lan)

to initially add media to your library, you can click on one of those icons on your pms website. for example movies:

then you can choose a name and directory:

the scanning will take a while, depending on how many movies or tv-shows you have.
you should see the progress on the web client  

How to: plex media server - read this if plex does not play any files:

if plex does not play any files, make sure your permissions are right. because plex is a new user it may not have the permissions to play your media.
you can try it the easy way: add the plex-user to your group:
gpasswd -a plex myuser

or if you want to change the permissions properly (more work):

cd into your media directory, for example:
cd /home/user/media

then look up the permissions with

ls -l

here you can see if your directory has read/write/execute for every user. its like this: (no colours in real life)

drwxrwxr-x 365 user group ---somemorestuff-- foldername

rwx indicates read/write/execute for the user.
rwx indicates read/write/execute for the group
r-x indicates that every other user has read/-/execute access.

i would assume the user plex only has as much access as the last three letters/hyphens (every other user).
it works for me like this so the blue bit should look different in your setup.
the easyiest thing you can do here is put the plex user in the group:

sudo chown youruser:plex -r /home/user/mediadirectory

this way plex will be the group and have the groups permissions (green rwx). but if there is no rwx, you will have to give it read/write/execute permissions:

sudo chmod 770 -r /home/user/mediadirectory

the first 7 gives the user read/write/execute permissions. the second 7 is for the group. the 0 in this case gives every other user no permissions at all.
the -r will change the permissions of all files in the folder.

now it should look like this: (check with ls -l again!)

rwxrwx--- 365 user plex ---somemorestuff-- foldername

please note: this is just an option!
a complete linux permissions guide would be too long for this how to. but you can find plenty good youtube videos on this topic
this might also be helpful: https://help.ubuntu....filepermissions

How to: plex media server - how to update plex:

plex updates just like most of the other linux programs. with aptitude:
(every other programm will update too)

sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade

all programs mentioned here will be updated.
then you have to type in y to continue.
that is it.

Kali Tools In Ubuntu Linux (instructions)

Get root and install Gnome classic Fallback.

In terminal type : apt-get install gdebi && apt-get install synaptic

When done , Fully update / dist-upgrade to Kernel 3.2.0-40
Reboot and log as root on Gnome classic.
Open with file editor /etc/apt/sources.list and add these lines :

deb precise main
deb-src precise main
deb precise main
deb-src precise main

Version: SKS 1.1.4
Comment: Hostname:


Now , open synaptic , go to : settings >>> repositories , In software sources go to : Authentication  Import key file.

Navigate to your Desktop and double clic on the pgp-key txt file.
Close everything and in Terminal : apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade.

Now Open Synaptic and clic on ORIGIN tab on the bottom left . You will see repositories links appearing on the top left of Synaptic.
Highlite the 2nd and the 3rd repository line as shown in the video .
Start installing your tools using Synaptic . ( Install 10 tools at the time , if any tool will mark itself in red color, untick it and procee , You can come back to it later on and re-install it, sometime you need some extra dependencies , so some tools will install them for you )