# Script to install mailcatcher on Debian/Ubuntu without RVM
# install Ruby and rubygems without RVM:
sudo apt-get install ruby rubygems
# update rubygems
sudo gem update --system
# install mailcatcher:
sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
sudo gem install mailcatcher
# done! to start the mailcatcher server
mailcatcher -i
# if mailcatcher cannot be found, gem is not in your path;
# add the path found by the following command to `.bashrc` or similar, and
# reload (`source .bashrc`)
gem environment | grep "EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY"
# then just use the following SMTP settings:
# host : localhost
# port : 1025
# and visit
# Script to install mailcatcher on Debian/Ubuntu without RVM
# install Ruby and rubygems without RVM:
sudo apt-get install ruby rubygems
# update rubygems
sudo gem update --system
# install mailcatcher:
sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
sudo gem install mailcatcher
# done! to start the mailcatcher server
mailcatcher -i
# if mailcatcher cannot be found, gem is not in your path;
# add the path found by the following command to `.bashrc` or similar, and
# reload (`source .bashrc`)
gem environment | grep "EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY"
# then just use the following SMTP settings:
# host : localhost
# port : 1025
# and visit